Regulation 2021


Art. 1. The Graduate Program in INFORMATICS at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (from now on referred to as PPGI) offers the Masters’ Degree Course in INFORMATICS and the Doctorate Course in Computer Science, both academics, in the Great Knowledge Area of Computer Science, in the Information Systems Concentration Area.

Art. 2. The PPGI is organized into two lines of research:

  1. Business Support Systems
  2. Applied Intelligent Systems and Optimization

Sole paragraph. Due to their integrative nature, the Research Lines:

  1. harbor institutional research projects and extension activities, coordinated by PPGI professors, as well as students’ dissertation and thesis projects and academic activities, guided by these professors;
  2. support the curricular structure of the subjects offered, grouped around a common core of the concentration area.

Art. 3. The objectives of PPGI are:

  1. Develop the scientific and technical-professional knowledge in the area of Information Systems;
  2. Develop cutting-edge research in the area of Information Systems that can contribute to the social and economic development of the Country;

III. Contribute to the state of the art of technical in theorization, conception, development, deployment, and evaluation of Information Systems in organizations and the general society;

  1. Develop in students skills for research, teaching, and innovation in the area of Information Systems;
  2. Contribute to the constant improvement of the academic and professional community in Information Systems, either regional, national, and international, stimulating the articulation between teaching, research, innovation, and extension;
  3. Expand Brazil’s international insertion in the Information Systems and related areas through cooperation projects with research institutions and companies abroad.

Art. 4. The PPGI offers a post-doctoral internship under the rules in force at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), always aligned with the current legislation of funding agencies.


Art. 5. The PPGI is governed by terms of the National legislation in force, the rules of CAPES, the UNIRIO General Regulations, the UNIRIO Stricto Sensu Graduate Regulations (from now on referred to as the Graduate Regulations), the Regulations of the Vice-Dean’s Office Graduation, Research and Innovation (PROPGPI), and the present Regulation.


Art. 6. The PPGI has as its deliberative organ the Program Collegiate (PPGI Collegiate) and as the executive body the Program Coordination (PPGI Coordination), with the support of its secretariat.

Art. 7. The PPGI Collegiate is composed of the entire group of professors who are part of its faculty, the coordinators of PPGI and of the Course, and their respective deputies, and a student representative elected by their peers.

Art. 8. The PPGI Coordinator and his/her deputy and the course coordinators and their deputies are indicated by the PPGI Collegiate and appointed by the Dean through PROPGPI/DPG.

  1. The appointment of the PPGI Coordinator and his/her deputy will be made through a vote of candidates by the PPGI Collegiate, using the simple majority criterion.
  2. The PPGI Coordinator is responsible for the Coordination of the Doctorate Course, while his/her deputy is responsible for the Coordination of the Master’s Degree Course.
  3. The deputies’ appointment for the course coordination by the Collegiate is made by the respective coordinators and must be approved by the Collegiate.

Art. 9. The advisory commissions and working groups appointed by the PPGI Coordinator must be ratified by the Collegiate, which will appoint their respective members.

  1. The Selection, Resources, and Scholarship Commissions, related to the student selection process, are appointed by the Program Collegiate, approved by PROPGPI, and nominated by the Dean.
  2. The Selection Commission must be composed of 3 (three) to 5 (five) teachers of the Program.
  3. The Appeals Commission must be composed of 3 (three) to 5 (five) teachers of the Program, except for the teachers who comprised the Selection Commission.
  4. The Scholarship Commission must be composed of the PPGI Coordinator and at least 1 (one) representative of the faculty belonging to the Program’s permanent faculty, elected by their peers, and one student representative, as determined by CAPES.
  5. A representative of the students with regular enrollment, for at least 1 (one) year at the time of choice, will be elected by their peers to compose the Scholarship Commission, respecting the current legislation.

Art. 10. The PPGI Collegiate is responsible for:

  1. ratify the decisions of the advisory Commissions created in the Program;
  2. approve the selection notice, the number of vacancies to be offered, and the organization of the student selection process;
  3. ratify the final result of the selection process;
  4. deliberate on the use of student credits and transfers;
  5. appoint the PPGI Coordinator and his/her deputy, as well as appoint the Course coordinator and his/her deputy, and the members of the commissions;
  6. approve the Program’s curriculum structure, as well as its changes;
  7. accredit, re-accredit, and disqualify professors for the Program based on rules established by the Graduate Regulations and these Regulations, respecting the guidelines of the respective Area Documents, and other related regulations;
  8. approve the extension of the deadline for the defense of the Course Completion Work (TCC) under the Graduate Regulations and these Regulations;
  9. appoint a professor representative of the Program’s Collegiate in the various instances of representation;
  10. ratify the composition of the TCCs’ Boards, according to the criteria established in this Regulation;
  11. approve the plans for applying resources made available to the PPGI under the provisions of Title VII.
  12. approve agreements of interest for PPGI activities, which will follow the Institution’s procedure;
  13. approve dates for specific PPGI activities for its complementary academic calendar;
  14. perform and approve PPGI’s self-evaluation and strategic planning;
  15. execute the actions defined in the PPGI strategic planning;
  16. the PPGI Collegiate is the initial resource for the Coordinator’s decisions within 10 (ten) working days.

Art. 11. The PPGI program coordinator is responsible for:

  1. call and chair the Collegiate meetings, with the right to vote, including the casting vote;
  2. represent the Program before CAPES and other funding agencies;
  3. be responsible for the set of information provided through the MEC and CAPES platforms, ensuring compliance with the respective calendars;
  4. coordinate PPGI’s administrative activities, ensuring publication on the Program’s website, when appropriate;
  5. respect, comply, and enforce CAPES regulations, the decisions of the higher administration of the University and the PPGI Collegiate;
  6. participate in the transition period for the new PPGI coordinator;
  7. encourage the submission of research projects of interest to the Program to funding agencies, articulating and, if necessary, coordinating projects that involve the entire PPGI;
  8. integrate the Academic Center Council, the Graduation Chamber, and the Teaching, Research, and Extension Council, represent the PPGI Collegiate with UNIRIO’s deliberative bodies and other institutions;
  9. appoint members representing PPGI to form commissions and workgroups;
  10. promote the preparation and forwarding of reports and the provision of data to the Organizational Units inside and outside UNIRIO;
  11. coordinate the program’s self-evaluation and strategic planning actions;
  12. decide ad referendum of the Collegiate in emergencies.

Art. 12. It is the responsibility of the Course Coordinator to:

  1. coordinate, supervise, and guide academic activities and support the administrative activities of the Course;
  2. be responsible for providing data in UNIRIO’s official internal management systems, as well as on the Program’s website;
  3. be responsible for offering the curricular components of the Course in UNIRIO’s official internal management systems, according to the academic calendar published annually;
  4. coordinate and register students’ enrollment and registration in the curriculum components;
  5. supervise the updating of the basic and complementary syllabus, programs, and references of the Course subjects.

Art. 13. The legal deputy will replace the Coordinator in his/her absences and impediments, and, in case of vacancy, at any time, there will be a new appointment of Coordinator by the PPGI Collegiate.

Art. 14. The PPGI secretariat is the administrative support body charged with administrative functions and direct academic control.

Art. 15. The PPGI secretariat must:

  1. proceed with the receipt, distribution, and control of the processing of official correspondence and other documents, organizing and keeping them updated;
  2. organize and keep the documentary file updated with collections of ordinances, resolutions, regulations, normative instructions, laws, decrees, and other standards of interest to the PPGI, including its availability on the Program website;
  3. organize the procedures for registration and enrollment of candidates and students;
  4. keep the documents related to the academic life of the enrolled students in an updated file, from the enrollment of the candidates to the dismissal of the student from the course;
  5. keep the SIE registration of the faculty and students updated;
  6. assist in the preparation of the annual reports necessary for the evaluation of the Program within the scope of the Brazilian National Graduate System and forward them to DPG, within the deadlines established by it;
  7. provide administrative procedures for conducting the TCC qualification and defense exam, including the publication of events on the Program’s website;
  8. organize and forward documentation related to the defense of the TCC, including its publication;
  9. forward documentation for the issuance of diplomas;
  10. deliver the transcript and school record to the students;
  11. assist in the provision of accounts of funding received for PPGI projects.


Art. 16. The PPGI has a curricular structure composed of subjects that include research, teaching, extension, and innovation activities that refer to research lines and concentration areas.

Art. 17. Subjects are grouped into mandatory and non-mandatory:

  • the mandatory subjects cover contents common to the lines of research and provide a theoretical and methodological basis for academic training and development of graduate student research projects;
  • non-mandatory subjects can be classified as optional and elective;
  • optional subjects are characterized by focusing on specific content linked to the lines of research;
  • elective subjects focus on complementary content to the curriculum to instrumentalize the graduate student’s research projects.
  1. Non-mandatory subjects can be taken in UNIRIO’s Graduate Programs or Graduate Programs of another institution, as long as CAPES recommends them, according to this Regulation and the Graduation Regulations.
  2. The use of subjects taken in other stricto sensu Graduate Programs, including those offered in networks recommended by CAPES, must be approved by the PPGI Collegiate and will be through a recommendation of the professor-advisor, who will also be responsible for the categorization the type of non-mandatory subject, according to the curriculum project.

Art. 18. The teaching internship is a mandatory activity for students of the PPGI Doctorate Course, scholarship holders from funding agencies, being an integral part of the graduate student’s education. For Master’s Degree students, as well as non-Doctorate scholarship fellows, it is an optional activity.

  1. When enrolling in a teaching internship, the PPGI student must have a work plan in agreement with his/her advisor(s) and/or co-advisor(s), where he/she must establish a set of didactic-pedagogical activities to be performed in UNIRIO’s undergraduate courses.
  2. For approval in the teaching internship, the student must obtain satisfactory performance in at least 75% of the activities proposed in his work plan.


Section I – Formation

Art. 19. According to criteria defined by CAPES, the PPGI faculty consists of tenured, visiting, and collaborator professors, taking into account the Computer Science area.

Sole paragraph. The number of tenured professors must be at least 70% of the program’s total professors.

Art. 20. The accreditation and re-accreditation of professors must preferably be valid for the CAPES’ evaluation period. It must be carried out by the Program’s Accreditation and Re-accreditation Commission, with the possibility of disqualification of the professor if he/she does not meet the criteria stipulated by the present Regulation, according to CAPES legislation in force.

  • Applications for full tenured and collaborator professor at PPGI/UNIRIO will be made continuously. However, they must be approved by the Collegiate of this program under the current strategy for the admission of new members. The strategy should consider the alignment of the candidate’s research to the program proposal and the impact on the balance and distribution of production with the possible new adhesion, considering the time that the researcher can systematically start producing when entering the Program.
  • The evaluation will be performed according to specified criteria (according to the dimensions and criteria of the evaluation of the Program by the CAPES Area Commission), which aims to score the professor, allowing the objective comparison of curricula in the case of applications and the evaluation of professors as to their permanence in the program.
  • The workload to be dedicated to the Program and participation in other Graduate Programs recognized by CAPES will also be considered.

Art. 21. The minimum criteria for the permanence of tenured professors in the Programs are:

  • have a bibliographic production compatible with that recommended by the Computer Science area, for the Program level;
  • teach subjects annually;
  • be advising at least one student in the Program;
  • comply with the professor’s duties stipulated in this Regulation.

Sole paragraph. The professor’s disqualification may occur at any time, approved by the Collegiate, in the cases provided for in this Regulation and the specific rules.

Art. 22. The PPGI may have a maximum of 10% of the total tenured faculty (DP) with participation in another graduate program recognized by CAPES.

Art. 23. PPGI professors may participate in a maximum of up to 3 graduate programs recognized by CAPES.

Art. 24. The Commission for the accreditation of tenured professors must be composed of 3 (three) professors, of which necessarily 1 (one) must be external to UNIRIO’s active or inactive functional status and not be part of any of its graduate programs.

Sole paragraph. The PPGI must forward the list of the accreditation commission components to PROPGPI/DPG, which will forward to the Dean’s Office for the respective issuance of an Ordinance.

Section II – Rights and duties

Art. 25. The professors’ rights are, in addition to those provided for in UNIRIO’s General Regulations:

  • participate in the Collegiate in the manner provided for in these Regulations;
  • step away to perform internships, scientific events, and participate in other Programs accredited by CAPES, inside or outside UNIRIO, in line with the University’s current Resolutions.

Art. 26. The professors’ duties are, in addition to those provided for in UNIRIO’s Regulations:

  1. participate in the academic and administrative activities of the PPGI;
  2. exercise functions of TCC advisor, under the established by this Regulation;
  3. register the grades of students in the classes under their responsibility exclusively via the Professor’s Portal;
  4. participate in institutional research activities;
  5. present the results of their research activities to the academic community;
  6. keep their CV up to date on the Lattes Platform and UNIRIO and Program Information Systems, including the PPGI website;
  7. inform the PPGI/Course coordinator of teaching, research, and extension activities, developed internally and/or externally to UNIRIO, whenever requested by the Coordinator;
  8. comply with and enforce the Graduate Regulations and these Regulations;
  9. participate in commissions and chambers, provided the Collegiate appoints them.


Section I – Formation

Art. 27. Each program’s student body consists of students enrolled in the Course, classified as regular and special.

Section II – Regular students

Art. 28. All students enrolled under the selection processes, transfer from another Graduate Program recognized by CAPES or through national or international agreements will be considered regular students of PPGI.

  1. Simultaneous enrollment in more than one stricto sensu Graduate Course at UNIRIO is prohibited.
  2. The possibility of transferring graduate students from a Graduate Program recognized by Capes can only be performed with the PPGI Collegiate’s approval, taking into account the availability of orientation and the time available to complete the course.
  3. The use of credits performed in other stricto sensu Graduate Programs recommended by CAPES may be granted, up to the limit of 1/3 (one third) of the subjects’ total course load / credits.
  4. The student who completed the Master’s degree, academic or professional, in the same program as UNIRIO, may take up to the limit of 30 (thirty) credits in the Doctorate.
  5. The use of credits up to the limit of 1/3 (one third) of the total course load/credits of the subjects may be granted to students who take non-mandatory subjects as a special student.
  6. The criteria for taking advantage of credits related to the Dissertation and Thesis Joint supervision convention will be governed by specific regulations.
  7. Credits obtained in national or international Graduate Courses may be used, supported by conventions and cooperation agreements for student mobility, provided that they do not contravene the present Regulation and Graduate Regulations and according to the parameters established by the current standards.
  8. Requests for the use of credits will be analyzed by the professors responsible for subjects with a similar theme, based on the equivalence of hours and syllabus.
  9. The student’s professor-advisor must indicate the appropriateness of the credits for the student’s education in the respective course.
  10. Approval of the use of credits must be carried out by the PPGI Collegiate.

Art. 29. The regular students’ rights are, in addition to those provided for in UNIRIO’s General Regulations:

  • have the necessary supply of subjects, to make it possible to comply with the deadlines defined in this Regulation;
  • receive guidance consistent with their research project;
  • participate in the academic activities of the Course;
  • have a representative with regular enrollment for at least 1 (one) year elected by their peers in the Program’s Collegiate, in the Scholarship Commission, in the University Center Council to which the Program is linked, and in UNIRIO Higher Boards.

Art. 30. The students’ duties are, in addition to those provided for in UNIRIO’s Regulations:

  • profitably participate in all academic activities of the Course;
  • make the application for enrollment, periodically, in subjects offered by the Course Coordination, through the UNIRIO’ Student Portal, according to the academic calendar released annually;
  • have a frequency in at least 75% (seventy-five percent) of the total academic activities of each subject in which they are enrolled;
  • comply with the provisions of UNIRIO’s and CAPES’ regulations, when applicable.

Section III – Special students

Art. 31. Special students are those enrolled only in isolated non-mandatory subjects.

Sole paragraph. Special students will not be granted the same institutional link rights as regular students.

Art. 32. Within the limit of vacancies to be fixed by the PPGI Collegiate, per academic term and per Master’s Degree or Doctorate Course, the PPGI Coordination may accept special students’ enrollment in non-mandatory subjects, based on criteria specified by the Program Collegiate, provided for in this Regulation.

  1. Special students may take a maximum of 4 (four) subjects at PPGI, with a maximum of 2 (two) per semester.
  2. Special students in subjects at PPGI will be entitled to a certificate of approval in subjects, issued by the PPGI Coordination.
  3. The regularly enrolled student may take advantage of credits obtained in subjects taken as a special student.

Art. 33. At the discretion of the PPGI Collegiate, UNIRIO’s Undergraduate students may be admitted for enrollment in non-mandatory subjects, under special students’ condition, who are scholarship holders or Scientific Initiation volunteers, provided that accredited advisors refer them to the Graduate Program of the Institution.

Art. 34. To obtain the Master’s Degree, the student must complete a minimum of 30 (thirty) credits obtained in subjects that include research activities, teaching internship, when mandatory, meet the specificities established by this Regulation and pass the qualification exam and the defense of the dissertation with the respective delivery of the final version.

  1. The term for completion of credits is up to 4 (four) semesters. The student who does not count the total credits in up to 4 (four) semesters may be dismissed from the Course, except in cases provided for by law.
  2. The regular term for the defense is 4 (four) semesters, counting from the date of admission into the Course.
  3. The term for the defense of the TCC may be extended, at most, for another 1 (one) semester for the Master’s Degree, using a justified request from the student, with the favorable written opinion of the professor-advisor, with the approval by Program Collegiate and taking into account the specificities of this Regulation, as long as they do not contradict the Graduate Regulations.
  4. The approval of the extension request requires a favorable opinion from the professor-advisor

Art. 35. To obtain the Doctor’s Degree, the student must complete at least 48 (forty-eight) credits obtained in subjects that include research activities, teaching internship, when mandatory, and pass the qualification exam and thesis defense with the respective delivery of the final version.


  • The term for completion of credits is up to 8 (eight) semesters. The student who does not count the credits in subjects in up to 8 (eight) semesters may be dismissed from the Course, except in cases provided for by law.
  • The regular term for the defense is 8 (eight) semesters, counting from the date of admission into the Course.
  • The term for the defense of the TCC may be extended, at most, for another 2 (two) semester for the Doctorate, using a justified request from the student, with the favorable written opinion of the professor-advisor, with the approval by Program Collegiate and taking into account the specificities of this Regulation, as long as they do not contradict the Graduate Regulations.
  • The approval of the extension request requires a favorable opinion from the professor-advisor.
  • In exceptional circumstances, at the proposal of the PPGI Collegiate and with the approval of the UNIRIO Graduate Chamber, the Doctor’s degree may be awarded directly for the defense of a thesis, provided that the candidate has professional experience in the area greater than 15 (fifteen) years, intellectual, artistic, or scientific production recognized as a reference by the area and present the thesis at the time of applying for the degree.
  • The thesis’s direct defense must be performed within 2 (two) months after the approval of the application by the UNIRIO Graduate Chamber.
  • At the time of the request, the interested party must present, personally or through a legally constituted representative, the documentation requested by the Program Collegiate to prove the provisions of § 5 of this article, including the thesis.
  • In this modality of obtaining the title, a constituted advisor is provided. The Program Collegiate must appoint the President of the Examining Board, respecting the composition described in art. 64 § 1.

Art. 36. The qualification exam for the Course Completion Work must be performed up to the 3rd (third) semester for the Master’s Degree student and up to the 5th (fifth) period for the Doctorate student.

  1. The qualification exam represents an opportunity for prior evaluation by a panel regarding the adequacy of the research’s theoretical-epistemological-methodological bases.
  2. The defense of the qualification exam will take place through a defense of an Examining Board’s work.
  3. The Examining Board’s composition must be the same in the qualification exam and defense of the TCC, except when there are impediments generated because of force majeure.
  4. The impossibility of repeating the board’s composition in the qualification exam and defense of TCC must be duly justified to the PPGI Coordination.

Art. 37. At the end of the qualification exam, the student will be considered:

  • Approved or;
  • Failed.

Sole paragraph. If the student fails the qualification exam, he will be dismissed from the PPGI.

Art. 38. A Master’s student is allowed to pass directly to the Doctorate Course when observing the following requirements:

  1. completion of, at least, 75% (seventy-five percent) of credits in the subject, with an accumulated Grade Point Average (CR) greater than or equal to 9.0;
  2. request made by the professor-advisor;
  3. agreement from the Program Collegiate;
  4. indication of the Commission approved by the Collegiate, consisting of at least 3 (three) Ph.D. professors, being obligatory, one external to UNIRIO and the program. The participation of the advisor is forbidden;
  5. approval of the Commission’s opinion by the PPGI Collegiate;
  6. accepted guidance for the Doctorate Course;
  7. authorization to enter the Doctorate Program by the PPGI Collegiate.

Sole paragraph. For the full term for the Course completion, entry into the Master’s will be considered the Doctorate’s initial date. The defense of the Master’s Dissertation is allowed according to the current legislation.

Art. 39. UNIRIO may grant a master’s or Doctor’s degree in a Dissertation or Thesis Joint supervision regime with other foreign Higher Education Institutions, leading to a double degree.

Sole paragraph. The granting of a master’s or Doctor’s degree under the Joint Supervision regime referred to in the caput of this article is regulated by specific service order of PROPGPI.


Art. 40. The registration of candidates in the PPGI is performed according to a selection process compatible with UNIRIO’s regulations and the current legislation. A notice will be published for this purpose, and the selection will be made by a Selection Commission appointed by the PPGI Collegiate, approved by PROPGPI, and appointed by the Dean.

  1. The Selection Notice for admission to the PPGI must be prepared by the Selection Commission and approved by the PPGI Collegiate.
  2. The requirements for enrollment in the selection process include delivering the required documentation within the period stipulated in the Selection Notice.
  3. The selection process’s specific conditions, including the number of vacancies, tests, approval, and selection criteria, will also be defined in the Selection Notice.
  4. The selection criteria include the candidate’s education, professional experience, research interest, alignment with the research performed at PPGI, and availability of guidance from the faculty.
  5. The Selection Commission must be composed so that it represents the areas of concentration and lines of research provided for in the curricular organization of each Program. This representation is by delegation of the professors of the research line to the Selection Commission.

Art. 41. Candidates for the selection process for admission to academic and professional Master’s Degree and Doctorate Courses must apply, according to the model established by PROPGPI and made available on the PPGI website.

Art. 42. If there is a technical-scientific cooperation convention or agreement signed between UNIRIO and a national or foreign institution, or an international cultural agreement for the Federal Government’s Graduate Student Agreement (PEC/PG), the PPGI Collegiate must:

  • fix the number of vacancies;
  • define the procedures for admission.
  1. In the case of a Graduate student agreement (PEC/PG) mentioned in the caput of this article, the candidate’s selection will be made in the country of origin under the terms established by the Federal Government’s international cultural agreement.
  2. It is incumbent upon the Program Coordination, with its Collegiate’s consent, to issue the respective letters of acceptance from the candidates, after hearing, when applicable, the International Relations Coordination (CRI).

Art. 43. The student selection process’s notice must reserve at least 10% (ten percent) of the vacancies to be filled to UNIRIO’s technical-administrative servers. In case of non-filling, these vacancies may be made available to other approved candidates.


Art. 44. Admission to PPGI via the Student Selection Process will take place after approval and classification, and enrollment performed as provided for in the PROPGPI’s regulations:

  • the candidate who obtains a score equal to or higher than 7.0 (seven) in each of the eliminatory stages of the selection will be considered approved;
  • the classification of the candidates will be done in decreasing order of the final average of the classificatory stages and the eliminatory stages of the Student Selection Process, respecting the respective vacancy reserves guaranteed by law, when applicable, and must be approved by the PPGI Collegiate;
  • For the enrollment performance, the mandatory presentation documents are, in addition to others defined by the PPGI Collegiate in the notice: the Undergraduate Studies diploma accompanied by the official final academic transcript of the Course. The completion of the Master’s Degree Course is not mandatory for entry into the Doctorate.

Sole paragraph. Failure to enroll within the prescribed period implies the candidate’s withdrawal from enrolling at PPGI, losing all rights resulting from approval and classification in the selection process. The next candidate on the list of approved and classified candidates is called instead.

Art. 45. In the case of candidates approved in a selection process who obtained the diploma in a foreign country, at the time of registration, this must be revalidated in the case of Under Graduation and recognized in the case of stricto sensu Graduation, based on the current legislation.

Art. 46. Admission into PPGI via internal or external transfer and international agreement follows the criteria specified in this Regulation and UNIRIO’s specific regulations and current legislation.

Sole paragraph. To enroll, the following documents are required, in addition to others defined by PROPGPI:

  1. the Undergraduate Studies diploma accompanied by the official final academic transcript of the Course. The completion of the Master’s Degree Course is not mandatory for entry into the Doctorate.
  2. acknowledgment of the deadlines for completion.


Art. 47. The application for enrollment in subjects is the responsibility of the students.

  1. The deadlines related to enrollment in subjects are specified in the Academic Calendar.
  2. The enrollment in subjects maintains the student’s link with the PPPGI and must be performed every six months, while the student is regularly enrolled in the Program.
  3. The lack of enrollment in subjects implies the dismissal of the student from the PPGI.

Art. 48. Enrollment in isolated subjects at PPGI is allowed:

  • to students regularly enrolled in stricto sensu Graduate Programs from other national or foreign institutions or another UNIRIO Program, within the limits of places for each subject;
  • to students not affiliated with stricto sensu Graduation:
    • holders of a higher education diploma;
    • Undergraduate students at UNIRIO are scholarship holders or students in the CI category without UNIRIO’s scholarship.
  1. To apply for a vacancy in an isolated subject, it is necessary to submit, within the deadline and through the means specified, a curriculum (including education history and information on professional experiences), as well as a cover letter explaining why he/she wants to take the course.
  2. The selection for the vacancy(ies) in the isolated subject is performed by the respective professor who teaches the subject, based on the documentation presented and the number of vacancies available, using the candidate’s alignment to the subject as a criterion. Students regularly enrolled in stricto sensu Graduate Programs have priority.

Art. 49. Regularly enrolled students will be allowed to suspend one or more subjects, according to the current academic calendar or, except in a special case, at the discretion of the PPGI Collegiate, as long as the possibility of completing the course within the regulatory deadline of 24 (twenty-two four) months for the Master’s Degree and 48 (forty-eight) months for the Doctorate.

Sole paragraph. It is forbidden to suspend the same subject and/or academic activity more than once, except in exceptional cases provided for by current legislation.

Art. 50. It is permitted to suspend enrollment at PPGI for a maximum period of 1 (one) semester in the Master’s Degree and 2 (two) semesters in the Doctorate, either academic and professional, provided that the deadlines for completing the Course defined in this Regulation and the suspension is accepted and adequately justified by an opinion issued by the professor-advisor, approved by the Collegiate.

  1. The suspension referred to in the caput of this article must be included in the student’s transcript with the mention “Total Suspension,” accompanied by the academic period(s) of occurrence, being computed in time for the completion of the Course.
  2. The scholarship holder student, when applying for suspension, will have his/her scholarship canceled, except for those cases provided for in the current legislation.
  3. The student who has already obtained suspension will not be able to apply for scholarships.
  4. It will not be allowed to suspend the enrollment in PPGI in the 1st semester.

Art. 51. The special academic regime will be ensured through a medical certificate presented to the PPGI Coordination:

  • to a pregnant student, under current legislation;
  • to students in physical condition incompatible with the frequency of scheduled classes and activities, under current legislation.
  1. The home exercises provided for in the special academic regime do not apply to experimental or practical subjects.
  2. In the subjects of an experimental or practical nature, mentioned in the previous paragraph, the activities and exercises concerned must be performed after the special regime period granted, within the maximum term for completing the Course.


Art. 52. Students will be dismissed from the Course if they:

  1. do not request enrollment in subjects;
  2. obtain more than 1 (one) failure in Master’s Degree and Doctorate courses;
    • The student who obtains more than 1 (one) failure in different subjects, that is, 1 (one) failure in subject “A” plus 1 (one) failure in the subject “B,” will be dismissed from the course; or
    • The student who obtains more than 1 (one) failure in the same subject, that is, 1 (one) failure in subject “A” plus 1 (one) failure in the same subject “A,” will be dismissed from the course.
  • exceed the statutory deadline for the defense and delivery of the final version of the TCC;
  • do not comply with subject credits within the deadlines provided for in this Regulation;
  • violate UNIRIO’s General Regulations, the Graduate Regulations, and these Regulations.

Sole paragraph. This dismissal must be approved by the PPGI Collegiate and notified to PROPGPI.


Art. 53. Any candidate for the Master or Doctor title will necessarily be accompanied during this academic trajectory by an advisor.

Art. 54. Professors with doctoral degrees, accredited as tenured in the PPGI and that meet the current rules in the area of Computer Science, can advise on TCCs.

  1. Academic co-guidance of students by PPGI professors is allowed.
  2. External academic co-guidance is allowed based on justification by the professor-advisor, the co-advisor’s academic curriculum compatible with the PPGI strategies and up to the limit of 30% of the student body.
  3. Guidance by up to 2 (two) professor-advisors from PPGI is allowed.
  4. Multiple co-guidance is allowed in special cases, in case of approval by the PPGI Collegiate, with a maximum of 2 (two) professors-co-advisors.
  5. In the joint supervision regime or double title of Doctorate or Master’s Degree, both advisors are called co-advisors.

Art. 55. The commitment link between the advisor(s) and, when applicable, the co-advisor(s) and the student will be formalized by a Term of Commitment, signed by the proposers, and endorsed by the Course coordinator.

  1. The advisor(s)/advisee link may be terminated through the interest of one of the parties with mediation by the Course Coordination and approval by the PPGI Collegiate and must be replaced by a new Term of Commitment, signed by the new proponents.
  2. When changing the advisor, the maximum completion deadlines of 24 (twenty-four) months for the Master’s Degree and 48 (forty-eight) months for the Doctorate must be respected, maintaining the extension rules.

Art. 56. The advisor(s) must:

  1. assist the student in the planning of their academic program of study;
  2. assist the student in choosing subjects in the act of each registration;
  3. authorize the student to forward the TCC project for approval by the UNIRIO Research Ethics Commission (CEP), and/or the UNIRIO Animal Use Ethics Commission (CEUA);
  4. assist the student in preparing the TCC project;
  5. monitor and evaluate the student’s performance in academic activities;
  6. issue, at the request of the PPGI/Course coordinator, a prior opinion in processes initiated by the advisee for the appreciation of the Collegiate;
  7. propose to the Collegiate the dismissal of the student who does not comply with his academic program of studies previously planned, under this Regulation, assuring him wide defense;
  8. choose, in agreement with the student, when necessary, a TCC co-advisor;
  9. accompany the student in the execution of the TCC or other equivalent work, in all its stages, providing the necessary subsidies and remaining available for the consultations and discussions that are requested;
  10. recommend the presentation or defense of the TCC by the advisee;
  11. to authorize the assessment/examination of curricular adaptation and qualification, when applicable;
  12. provide advice on the performance of the student under his/her guidance to support decisions on granting, renewing, or canceling scholarships;
  13. monitor the curricular adaptation of his/her student if it is due to the granting of studies;
  14. participate in the category change procedure of his/her Master’s Degree advisee for the Doctorate level;
  15. suggest names for the composition of the examining boards and monitor the preparation of the TCC defense sessions;
  16. attest to the fulfillment of the alterations required by the examining board of Completion Paper in the delivery of the final copies, when applicable.

Art. 57. It is the co-advisor(s) ‘ responsibility to assist and complement the assignments for the advisor(s).


Art. 58. Credit is the unit of academic work measurement and corresponds to 15 (fifteen) hours of activities of classes, seminars, theoretical research, or independent study.

Art. 59. The performance evaluation will be represented by grades from 0 (zero) to 10 (ten), with one decimal place.

Sole paragraph. Students who obtain a grade equal to or greater than 7.0 (seven) and a minimum frequency of 75% (seventy-five percent) in each curricular component will be considered approved.

Art. 60. It is mandatory to take a qualification exam in the Master’s Degree and Doctorate.

Sole paragraph. There may be more than one qualification exam in the Doctorate, as provided for in this Regulation.


Art. 61. The Master’s Dissertation and Doctoral Thesis, partial requirements for obtaining the title of Master and Doctor, respectively, are course completion works (TCC) that demonstrate mastery over the chosen theme, relevance of the theme, critical survey of the relevant bibliography, and systematized knowledge organization.

Art. 62. The following are requirements for the defense of the Master’s Dissertation and Doctoral Thesis:

  • the composition of an Examining Board approved by the PPGI Collegiate;
  • the student has been approved in graduate courses that total at least the minimum amount of credits required in the course (30 credits for the Master’s Degree and 48 credits for the Doctorate);
  • the student, whether of Master’s Degree or Doctorate, must have passed a Qualification Exam;
  • the maximum deadlines for the defense of Dissertation or Thesis have been respected, as provided in this Regulation.
  1. Only the regularly enrolled student who has at least one publication or submission of an article to an event or Qualis journal may request the Master’s Dissertation defense.
  2. Only the regularly registered student who has at least one publication in Qualis restricted and at least one publication or submission in a Qualis journal may request the defense of a Doctoral Thesis. If the Doctorate student has a publication in a restricted Qualis journal, this requirement is considered fulfilled.
  3. Failure to comply with the requirements will result in the student being dismissed from the Program.
  4. These student publication requirements will be valid for students enrolled from 2021 onwards.

Art. 63. Once the curriculum has been completed, and the other requirements outlined in this Regulation and the Graduate Regulations are fulfilled, the Master’s Degree and Doctorate TCCs must be sent to the respective secretariat for registration and a letter for submission to the Defense Board by the student.

Sole paragraph. The deadline for sending the TCC to the Board must be at least 30 (thirty) days in advance of the Defense.

Art. 64. The defense of the Course Conclusion Paper is made in public session, before an Examining Board, which composition is approved by the PPGI Collegiate under criteria established by PROPGPI, in the absence of a specific Commission.

  1. The Master’s Degree Examining Board is composed of at least 3 (three) Ph.D. professors/researchers and the Doctorate board is composed of at least 5 (five) Ph.D. professors/researchers, always including the advisor, who serves as chairperson.
  2. The Dissertation Defense Examining Board will be integrated by at least 1 (one) Ph.D. professor/researcher external to the program, and UNIRIO and the Thesis Defense Examining Board will be integrated by at least 2 (two) Ph.D. professors/researchers external to the program and UNIRIO.
  3. Both the Master’s Degree and Doctorate Examining Boards will have 2 (two) deputies, one internal and the other external to the program and UNIRIO.
  4. In the event of the impediment of one of the Examining Board members, the internal and external alternates will necessarily replace the examining members of the same condition before UNIRIO.
  5. For the purpose of composing an Examining Board, the professor connected to the UNIRIO Graduate Program as a tenured, visiting, or collaborator professor will be considered an internal member.
  6. For the purpose of composing an Examining Board, a professor at UNIRIO, even if not accredited to any graduate program, will be considered an internal member.
  7. For the purpose of composing an Examining Board, the Post-Doctoral Researcher linked to the UNIRIO Graduate Program will be considered as an internal member.
  8. For the purpose of composing an Examining Board, the retired Professor of UNIRIO is considered as an internal member.
  9. For the purpose of composing an Examining Board, an external teacher is one who does not belong to UNIRIO’s active or inactive staff and is not – or has not been – part of any of its graduate programs.
  10. In cases where the TCC results in a product that can be registered as an intellectual property asset, the Closed Defense must be performed, which format will take into account the guidelines established by the Technological, Cultural, and Social Innovation Department (DIT) of PROPGPI.

Art. 65. For the judgment of the TCC, one of the following mentions will be attributed:

  • Approved;
  • Failed.

Art. 66. The student will have up to 60 days to deliver 1 (one) digital copy of the final version of the TCC, approved by the Defense Board and inspected by the supervisor, at the PPGI secretariat, together with the “Nothing on Record” document from the Library, and deposit a digital version in the institutional repository of UNIRIO as a condition for obtaining the Master or Doctor degree, as the case may be.

  1. Failure to deliver the final version within the stipulated period will result in dismissal from the course, resulting in the loss of the right to request the diploma and degree to which he/she would be entitled.
  2. The copies mentioned in the caput of this article must be necessarily accompanied by the catalog form provided by the UNIRIO’s library system and by the Examining Board’s components’ signatures, with the date of approval.
  3. In Closed Defense’s case, the delivery of the copies provided for in this article’s caput is subject to the guidelines established by PROPGPI’s Technological, Cultural, and Social Innovation Department (DIT).

Art. 67. The PPGI self-evaluation coordination team comprises the PPGI Coordination, the Strategy Commission, 1 (one) student representative, and 1 (one) technical-administrative representative.

Art. 68. It is up to the faculty and the student party to be actively involved in the self-evaluation processes.

Art. 69. PPGI’s self-evaluation is guided by ethics, transparency, responsibility, participatory and people-centered management.

Art. 70. The aspects to be evaluated by the PPGI include:

  • faculty evaluation;
  • student evaluation, about students and dropouts;
  • curriculum evaluation;
  • infrastructure evaluation;
  • management evaluation;
  • social impact evaluation.
  1. For each aspect, the PPGI Self-evaluation Commission must define the respective criteria and goals, also considering Institutional Planning.
  2. For each criterion, the Commission must define how and when the datum/data will be collected and analyzed and what characterizes each result concerning the goal.
  3. An analysis in each year of the four-year period should be performed to allow for possible adjustments to the criteria, goals, and/or data collection.
  4. For each result, the commission must suggest which decisions can be taken and the person(s) responsible for the decisions.
  5. All of these elements must be included in the PPGI Self-evaluation Project.
  6. The PPGI Collegiate’s responsibility is to monitor, suggest changes, ratify the Self-evaluation Project, and execute the actions.
  7. At the end of each four-year period, after implementing the project, dissemination, and use of the results, the Self-Evaluation Commission must evaluate the PPGI evaluation system itself. The PPGI Collegiate must approve the meta-evaluation report.

Art. 71. The financial resources necessary for the operation of the PPGI come from UNIRIO’s budget allocation and aid from agencies that finance Graduate Studies, Research, and Innovation.

Art. 72. Other forms of financing are conditioned to the signing of agreements between UNIRIO and the financing agent, through an analysis of the merit of the Graduate Department with subsequent analysis of the legal aspects by the Attorney’s Office and other instances that may be necessary.

Art. 73. Through its secretariat, coordination, and faculty, PPGI must keep its website up-to-date, giving wide disclosure to all activities developed within the program’s scope, such as faculty and students, Dissertations and Theses defended, notices, rules, procedures, and mechanism of direct contact of students.

Art. 74. Subject to the rights from the Copyright and Intellectual Property Law, the results of the Completion Paper research will be the property of UNIRIO, and in its disclosure, by whatever means, it will be mandatory to mention the University, the advisor(s), and the student.

  1. If the Completion Paper research has been performed outside UNIRIO, with the joint guidance of professors from the University and another institution, both institutions will share ownership of the research results and the rights referred to in the caput of this article.
  2. It is mandatory to mention the funding agency for the scholarship and/or the research project, both in the Dissertation/equivalent work or Thesis and in any resulting publication.

Art. 75. These Regulations can be changed, totally or partially, with the approval of PROPGPI and homologation at the Graduation Chamber and CONSEPE, through a PPGI proposal, in compliance with the determinations of the CNE and MEC bodies.

Art. 76. Omitted cases will be resolved by PROPGPI, except for those within the Collegiate’s competence, the PPGI Coordinator, or the Course Coordinator who will act as the first instance.

Art. 77. This Regulation will come into force on the date of its publication in the UNIRIO Bulletin, revoking Resolution No. 5,103, of March 21st, 2019, and other provisions to the contrary.


Come see the Graduate Program in Informatics (PPGI) at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). PPGI-UNIRIO is the first Graduate Program in Brazil with an emphasis on Information Systems.