TÍTULO DA PROPOSTA DE DISSERTAÇÃO/TESE: Recomendações de Melhoria para a
Confiabilidade do Produto de Software baseadas em Práticas DevOps

Resumo – Background: DevOps is viewed as an alternative approach to achiev- ing high-quality software products. Dependability is recognized  as a crucial aspect of software product quality. Existing literature highlights the lack of established standards, models, or methods for evaluating product quality within the DevOps paradigm. This emphasizes the need for further research to investigate the impact of DevOps on software quality attributes, particularly in relation to dependability.Objective: Our objective is to evaluate the scope of
research on dependability in DevOps and identify what is known
about this context by relating DevOps practices with dependability attributes. Method: We conducted a tertiary study to enhance the un- derstanding of dependability in the context of DevOps. Results: We found 13 secondary studies that address dependability in DevOps.
Within these studies, we identified 16 DevOps practices that have
an impact on dependability and 12 attributes that are affected by
DevOps practices. Additionally, we identified 6 measures related
to dependability in the context of DevOps. Among the DevOps
practices, the most commonly reported ones that impact depend- ability are Automation Practices, including deployment, testing, and infrastructure automation, as well as Cloud Computing Implementation. Conclusions: The results show that DevOps practices contribute to improve software dependability, mainly due to the impacts of these practices on dependability attributes. However, even though the literature reports some measures related to dependability, there is still a gap in understanding how organizations can assess dependability in DevOps.

Palavras Chaves -Software Product Quality, Dependability, DevOps

Gleison dos Santos Souza – UNIRIO
Paulo Sérgio Medeiros – UNIRIO
Jobson Luiz Massollar da Silva -UNIRIO –
Breno Bernard Nicolau de França -UNICAMP

DATA/HORA DE DEFESA: 30/01/2024– 18h
Sala de reuniões do PPGI