TÍTULO DA PROPOSTA DE DISSERTAÇÃO/TESE: Explorando a Distância do Poder em
Organizações em Transformação Ágil
Resumo:Background: Agile methods and practices have been consistently adopted in recent years as alternatives to traditional software development processes to address the ever-changing needs of IT organizations. In a previous systematic mapping study, we identified twelve critical success factors of agile transformations froma project management perspective. Objective: In this paper, we investigate how practitioners perceive the relevance of these factors and whether other factors should be considered. Method: We conducted a survey research involving project managers from several organizations undergoing agile transformations. Results: The participants’ perceptions provided valuable insights into the relevance of the critical success factors. Additionally, we identified five new critical success factors: organizational ambidexterity, use of tools and automation, breaking down organizational silos, team commitment, and alignment of organizational goals and expectations. These newly identified factors contribute to a more comprehensiveunderstanding of organizations’ challenges during an agile transformation. Based on the results and the literature, we formulated three propositions representing recommendations that can fosteragile transformation. Conclusions: The evidence gathered in thisstudy indicates that the factors investigated previously are highly relevant. Moreover, organizations should consider them to enhance the chances of success of agile transformation initiatives.
Palavras chaves: Agile Transformation, Agile Software Development, Critical Success Factors, Project Management
Gleison dos Santos Souza
Eliezer Dutra Gonçalves CEFET/RJ
Paulo Sérgio Medeiros UNIRIO
Marcelo Marinho – UFRPE
DATA/HORA DE DEFESA: 04/12/2023 – 9h30min
Sala de reuniões do PPGI