Permanent Professor of PPGI
Research Line: Applied Intelligent Systems and Optimization
Started at PPGI: 01/2007
Work regime: 40h Full Time
Adriana Alvim has a degree in Social Communication from PUC-Rio (1989), a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from PUC-Rio (1998) and a Doctorate degree in Computer Science from PUC-Rio (2003). During her doctorate, she participated in a Doctorate Program in the Country with Internship Abroad (PDEE), staying twelve months at the PRiSM Laboratory at the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France. She is currently an Associate Professor and a member of the Graduate Program of Computer Science at the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Between November 2010 and December 2011, she obtained a Postdoctoral Degree, supervised by Prof. Eric Taillard of the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, Switzerland. She has experience in the areas of Operational Research and Computer Science, with an emphasis on metaheuristics for difficult combinatorial problems, mainly working on the following themes: heuristics, bin-packing problem, cartographic points labeling problem, software module clustering problem, tabu search metaheuristics, GRASP, ILS, BRKGA and the POPMUSIC decomposition method. Another more recent focus of her research is in Social Media Analysis (SMA).
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1841338064901299
Email: adriana@uniriotec.br