Visiting professor of PPGI
Research Line: Knowledge and Reasoning Representation
Period at PPGI: 03/2018 – 04/2020
Work regime: 40h Full Time
Rosário Girardi – Doctor of Computer Science, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1996. Master of Computer Science, UFRGS, Brazil, 1991. Computing Systems Engineer, UdelaR, Uruguay, 1982. Lawyer (OAB, 2012). Retired professor at the Magistério Público Federal (UFMA, 2018). Visiting Professor at the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, working in the Graduate Program in Computer Science, in the Knowledge and Reasoning Representation Research Line (2018-2020). The areas of expertise are Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Legal Computing and Data Science. She is a member of ACM (since 2000) and IAAIL (since 2007). She coordinates research projects with the support of government agencies CAPES, CNPq and FAPEMA since 2001. Scholarship holder in research productivity from CNPq (2007-2014) and FAPEMA (2015-2019). She regularly contributes as a reviewer of scientific journals Qualis A and B1, as well as being a member of program committees of national and international events related to her areas of expertise.
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/5317074159250496
Email: rosario.girardi@uniriotec.br