Permanent Professor of PPGI
Research Line: Business Support Systems
Started at PPGI: 01/2020
Work regime: 40h Full Time
Tadeu Moreira de Classe is a Doctor of Computer Science from Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO / PPGI – 2019) on the theme of Digital Games Based on Business Processes. Participant in the Innovation in Cyberdemocracy Research Group (CIBERDEM/UNIRIO). Master of Computer Science at the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (PGCC / UFJF – 2014). He is a Bachelor of Information Systems from Centro de Ensino Superior de Juiz de Fora (CES/JF – 2011). Technician in Industrial Computing from Colégio Técnico Universitário (CTU/UFJF – 2007). Systems Analyst with several years of experience.
Email: tadeu.classe@uniriotec.br