Permanent Professor of PPGI
Research Line: Business Support Systems
Started at PPGI: 02/2007
Work regime: 40h Full Time
Pimentel is a Doctor of Computer Science from PUC-Rio (2006), a Master of Computer Science from NCE-UFRJ (2002), and a Bachelor of Computer Science from UFRJ (1999). Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Computing at UNIRIO, he teaches subjects in the Graduate Program in Computer Science (Computer-Mediated Communication, Teaching in Information Systems, Design Science Research, Collaborative Systems, Scientific Research Methodology), in the Bachelor’s Degree Course of Information Systems (Programming Techniques, WebDesign, Computing in Education), and has already taught, for 10 years, the Distance Teaching Degree in Pedagogy (Computing in Education). He has extensive academic production, some highlights being the book “Sistemas Colaborativos” (Collaborative Systems) (2011), which received the Jabuti Award; and his most recent book, “Do email ao Facebook” (From email to Facebook). He is the coordinator of the ComunicaTEC research group, focused on the development of the project “Tagarelas: rede social de bate-papo” (Chatters: a chat social network). He is a collaborator in the research group GPDOC – Teaching and Cyberculture Research Group, from ProPEd/UERJ. He conducts research in the Information Systems area with emphasis on Conversation Systems (chat, forum, microblog, etc.) applied to Online Education.
Perfil de Pesquisa: