Permanent Professor of PPGI
Research Line: Business Support Systems
Started at PPGI: 07/2017
Work regime: 40h Full Time
Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Applied Computing (DIA) and an effective member of the Graduate Program in Computer Science (PPGI) at the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), where he is currently Coordinator of the Master’s Degree Course. He leads the Research Group on Complex Systems Engineering at UNIRIO. He is a Doctor and Master of Systems and Computing Engineering from COPPE/UFRJ, where he also completed his Post-doctorate (PDJ/CNPq, 2016), and is a Bachelor of Computer Science from UFLA. He served as a visiting researcher at University College London (BEX/CAPES, 2014-2015). He served as a consultant in research and development projects in systems engineering in the national industry by the Fundação Coppetec (2008-2017). He has published more than 100 articles in journals and congresses, some of which received awards. He acts as a reviewer of journals in the areas of Software Engineering and Information Systems. He is editor-in-chief of iSys: Brazilian Journal of Information Systems, and has organized special editions of journals such as iSys, JBCS and JISA, as well as a volume in the Springer CCIS series. He has been a member of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) since 2006 and is the Coordinator of the Steering Committee of the Special Committee of Information Systems (CE-SI) of SBC. He has been an evaluator of higher education courses in Computing and Computer Science and an institutional evaluator (TI Profile) by the Ministry of Education (MEC) since 2011. He has experience in the area of Computer Science, with emphasis on Software Engineering and Information Systems. His main fields of activity are Complex Systems Engineering (especially software ecosystems and systems-of-systems) and Education in Software Engineering. He was scientific coordinator of more than 20 events (symposia, tracks and workshops) in Brazil and abroad and presented lectures, short courses and tutorials at more than 20 national events.
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8613736894676086
Email: rps@uniriotec.br