Permanent Professor of PPGI
Research Line: Business Support Systems
Started at PPGI: 10/2009
Work regime: 40h Full Time
Gleison Santos is currently a professor at the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). He got a Doctorate degree in Systems and Computing Engineering from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Software Engineering line) in 2008. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2000) and a master’s degree in Systems and Computing Engineering from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2003). He has experience in Computer Science, with an emphasis on Software Engineering, mainly working on the following themes: improvement of software processes and IT services, software development environments, software quality, knowledge management and statistical control of processes. He has experience in implementing software processes with emphasis on the adoption of maturity models, such as MPS.BR and CMMI. He is an experienced leader implementer and evaluator for MPS.BR. He is a member of the ETM (Model Technical Team) of the MPS.BR program. He works in the Graduate Program of Computer Science at UNIRIO (PPGI/UNIRIO), being able to supervise master’s and doctoral students.